Overview of Proposal Submission and Registration Process
The conference is limited in size to achieve the intimacy and interaction necessary to meet its mission to provide an intense supportive professional development experience. As a result, the conference has staggered the proposal submission and conference registration process. The conference prioritizes those who are presenting at the conference over those who are simply attending. Individuals whose papers (poster or presentation) are accepted will have the opportunity to register for the conference first. Afterwards, individuals who are not presenting will have an opportunity to register for the conference. These individuals will be selected on a first-come basis until the conference reaches its capacity.
Due to the great response of proposals submitted and accepted, registration for the 2024 Black Graduate Conference in Psychology is now closed. If you were not able to submit a proposal and/or register for this year’s conference, we encourage you to apply for the 2025 conference.
Submission of Proposal Abstracts
There are two types of student presentations at the conference: paper presentations and poster presentations. Students wishing to present either a paper or poster must submit an abstract of the presentation that is limited to 2000 characters including spaces. The abstract should articulate clearly the research questions, methods used in the study, and study findings. The abstract that is submitted will be printed in the conference program. As such, the abstracts should be proofread carefully before submission. No tables or graphs should be submitted. The title of all papers and posters should be no more than 100 characters including spaces. Although the original paper may have co-authors, only the student who is presenting the paper will be considered the author and invited to attend the conference. If accepted, students are responsible for listing all co-authors in the pdf document of the abstract that will be uploaded during presentation submission. Students will be given the opportunity during the submission process to designate whether they are willing to present their abstract as a paper, a poster, or either format. Due to the limited number of paper slots available, some paper presentations may be accepted contingent on students presenting them as posters. Students are only allowed to submit one proposal (poster or paper presentation).
The portal to submit paper and poster presentations will open on Friday, March 8, 2024 and close at 11:59pm PDT, Monday, April 8, 2024.
Participants will be notified whether they have been accepted to the conference by May 1, 2024.
Accepted participants will have from time of notification until Friday, May 17 at 5:00 pm PDT to complete registration for the conference.
Conference Registration
Conference Registration Fees $200 (with housing)/ $125 (without housing)
The conference registration fee of $200 covers lodging for three nights, and include breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Lodging consists of two conference participants sharing a double occupancy room. If participants have roommate preferences, both persons must indicate their roommate preference on the room registration form. Both individuals must be registered for the conference. If you do not require housing, the registration fee will be $125.
A limited number of participants will be accepted. Preference will be given to applicants who present at the conference. Applicants who have submitted a proposal will be notified by May 1, 2024 as to whether their presentation submission has been accepted. Those applicants whose presentations have been accepted will have until Friday, May 17 at 5pm PDT to confirm their acceptance of the invitation to participate in the conference by registering for the conference. Presenters who do not register before May 17 will be placed in the pool with the non-presenters and will be accepted on a first-come basis.
Registration is now closed.